Volunteer for Our Event
It is time to get into gear for the 2025 Grand Prix Festival of Watkins Glen! Our celebration just continues to grow and has become one of the premier events in the Southern Finger Lakes Region. Its growth and success is due in large part to our marvelous volunteers. To put things in perspective, although we now have a roster of over 150 volunteers, we are still looking for more — that’s what it takes to make the festival an outstanding event with a superb reputation for quality.
The usual commemorative tee shirt and other “goodies” will be provided for your participation as a volunteer.
We have plenty of positions and opportunities still available — some of the following are sure to be what you are looking for. Not sure which is right for you? Check the volunteer job descriptions below for these positions.
- Traffic/Parking Control
- Set-Up & Clean-Up
- Street Patrol
- Information
- Merchandise Sales
- Event Headquarters Runners
- RSI/SCCA Trained
- Concours d’Elegance
- SVRA Tech Inspection at Smalley’s Garage
- Glenora Run
- Founders’ Tour
- Concorso Speciale
- Sporting Roadster Tour
- Tour de Marque
- GlenKhana
- Motorcycle Tour
- FLX Journey (Thursday September 5, 2024)
- Legends Speak
Want to be an “Insider”?
Get involved as a volunteer! It takes hundreds of volunteers to organize and manage the festival’s activities and events. We can use your help! Please call Michaela Christensen at (607) 535-3003, or email
So, what are YOU waiting for?
Feel free to invite your colleagues, friends and neighbors to volunteer this year and be part of the elite racing tradition of the Grand Prix at Watkins Glen. Just send their names/addresses to Michaela and she will forward them the appropriate information.
Watkins Glen Promotions is a 501-C3 corporation operated by a board of volunteers focused on the planning and management of quality special events in Schuyler County. It is our goal to bring visitors into the community to showcase the natural beauty and creative talents of the area. If you have questions you may call us at (607) 535-3003, or email.
Volunteer Job Descriptions
SET-UP:Responsible for loading and/or distributing Festival equipment. Also, putting up signs, tents, tables, etc., prior to Festival
Time: Any, from 6:00 am to 11:00 am
Reports to: Logistics Chair at Headquarters
This person is responsible for assisting with registration, gridding, and various other event needs.
Time: Varies; starting times usually around 8 am, ending time usually betweeen 2-4pm. Please check the online application for details.
Reports to: Chair of Specific Event
Founders’ Tour: Ryan William Vineyard, Route 414, Burdett
Glenkhana: State Park Lot, 10th & Franklins Streets, Watkins Glen
Glenora Run: Glenora Wine Cellars, Route 14 N, Dundee
Hazlitt Sporting Roadster Tour: Havana Glen Park, Montour Falls (Begins @ 7:00 am)
Tour de Marque: Chateau Lafayette Reneau, Route 414, Hector
Concours d’Elegance: Watkins Glen State Park, Franklin St.
Concorso Speciale: Community Bank, N.A. Parking Lot, Watkins Glen
Vintage Motorcycle Rallye: Community Bank, N.A. Parking Lot, Watkins Glen
FLX Journey: Lafayette Park, 4th St., Watkins Glen
HQ RUNNERS: Responsible for running various errands as required during the Festival. Also includes hospitality.
Time: 10:00 am to 8:00 pm
Reports to: Headquarters Chair
MERCHANDISE SALES: Responsible for retail sales at Festival merchandise locations. Captains set up booths, provide pricing information, and inventory. Persons signing up for this job do the selling. Experience with cash register/ credit card processing helpful.
Time:10:00 am to 8:00 pm
Reports to: Headquarters
TRAFFIC/PARKING: This person is responsible for assisting Traffic Committee Chair with parking and gridding of vehicles in SBD Rolling Events and during the Tribute laps. RSI/SCCA Training is not required.
Time: Various shifts from 9 am to 6 pm
Reports to: Traffic Chair
FLAGGING & COMMUNICATION – RSI/SCCA TRAINED People who are RSI/SCCA trained are eiligible for positions around the old course as flagging and communications personnel during the Tribute laps. Responsible for keeping spectators off streets during Tributes laps. Props (whistles) are provided. People with this training are welcome to register for other jobs as well. However, all Flagging and Communications volunteers MUST have RSI/SCCA training.
Time: 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Reports to: Traffic Chair
CLEAN UP: This person is reponsible for assisting with clean up of Festival area. Trash removal, tables, tents, chairs are broken down and picked up for removal. Merchandise inventory is returned to headquarters, etc.
Time: 8-9 pm, Saturday Morning
Reports to: Logistics Chair at Headquarters
NOTE: Staffing hours indicate hours of activity. Actual shift times/lengths may vary. All activities will take place on the day of the Festival unless noted.
If you have questions, feel free to contact Watkins Glen Promotions at 607-535-3003.